Tagged "wade and belle"

So Who Had the Amazing Idea to Invent Tights Anyway?

You might be surprised to hear that tights were invented by a man, Allen Grant. Sr., in 1959. But you won't be surprised to hear that he did so at the request of his wife!  They are too good not to have been a woman's idea. Let's be honest, men would have kept us suffering in garters (and school girl uniforms if they had theiri own way!) According to the Smithsonian and Allen Grant Jr., the inventor's son, it all started when Grant and his wife, Ethel Boone Grant, were on an overnight train returning home from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Ethel was pregnant at the time and was finding it difficult to manage her stockings and garter belt over her expanding belly. As a proper lady wouldn't be seen in public without her hosiery (obvi), she informed her husband that this would be her last trip with him until their child was born. Tell him Ethel!

Grant gave that some thought and asked Ethel what she thought of a pair of underwear with stockings attached to them, which would avoid the hassle of a garter belt. Ethel thought it was a great idea and stitched together a rough sample that Grant took to his office as he was running Glen Raven Mills Textile Company at the time. With the help of his colleagues, he developed what they called "Panti-Legs" and launched the product in department stores. 

But, it wasn't until the mid-1960s when the mini skirt was the new "in" thing to wear and garters actually couldn't be worn with them that the concept took off. Sales of pantyhose sky rocketed as fashion forward women wanted a pair of their own. We like that Ethel! 

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New Year's Resolutions


Happy 2014! It's that time of year again. The holidays are over (sad), and it's back to the daily grind. It's also that time of year when so many of us whole heartedly make resolutions that we don't stick to. Not surprisingly, the top 10 New Year's Resolutions are:

1. Lose weight

2. Get organized

3. Spend less, save more

4. Enjoy life to the fullest

5. Stay fit and healthy

6. Learn something exciting

7. Quit smoking

8. Help others in their dreams

9. Fall in love

10. Spend more time with family

Regardless of whether or not we stick to our resolutions, it's good to think about how we want to improve ourselves and our lives. The things on the list above are much nicer and more important than the things we think about on a daily basis and our shorter term goals. It's good to make these resolutions year after year, even if we don't follow through as thoroughly as we'd like because they are good things to aspire to long term.

So here's to New Year's Resolutions and better and more fulfilling lives in 2014! Oh, and if number 1(the whole losing weight thing) turns out to be a challenge, why not cut yourself some slack and get comfortable in your Not Too Tights :)? And if you have or do lose weight, why not feel it in your tights, no need for the sausage roll at the top of your tights ESPECIALLY when you don't deserve it!

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Merry Christmas from Wade & Belle!

May your holidays be as awesome as these red and green tights in one!


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Another Way to Eat Less this Holiday Season

Every holiday season we hear about (basically the same) ways to avoid eating too much. But this year, there is some new research that shows that the color of your plates could make all the difference. Apparently, red plates make us eat less! 
The original concept behind this research (from the University of Parma, Italy and if they know anyone knows their food, it's the Italians!) was that it was the contrast in color between your food and your plate that encouraged or discouraged eating more. But it turns out that it's the color red specifically that will make you eat less. The research did say that they don't know if the color will be as effective if you know about it, as it's an unconscious reaction. But we are willing to give it a shot regardless. So, gotta run now, off to buy red plates!
Oh, and if you also buy red plates but don't find them as effective as they should be (i.e., if you eat too much - though clearly now it's the plates' fault not yours) make sure you are wearing your extra comfortable Not Too Tights. Too much food may make you uncomfortable, but no need for your tights to anymore!
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Kate Middleton Makes Nude Hoisery Cool Again?

I'm really unsure about this, but since Kate Middleton has become the next Queen of England, there has been a lot of talk about her nude pantyhose and how she is making them cool to wear again.

I really have a hard time accepting that. But then all of a sudden I learned yet another new (crazy) thing from this British husband of mine, apparently the Brits never stopped wearing them. Given he isn't exactly a style maven, I decided to run this by my English girl friends. And it turned out to be true! Whereas, I'd rather freeze my bum (see how I use a British term there, like that?) off with bare legs rather than wear nude stockings, it turns out in the UK, bare legs are  actually considered RUDE and low class. They all wear these nude pantyhose we Americans are so afraid of!

So, looks like nude tights (as they call them in the UK! It took me a while to understand that they don't discern between pantyhose, stocking and tights. And when they say nude tights, they don't mean weird, thick skin colored tights, they mean nude pantyhose) never went away, it's just an American thing to hate on them like we do. But Kate's influence has apparently made is across the pod as celebs such as Hayden Panettierre, Beyonce and Sara Jessica Parker have been seeing donning them lately. 

I will reserve judgement for the moment, I'm not convinced.

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