Tagged "wade & belle tights"

United We Stand

These past few weeks have certainly sent me into a tizzy. Trying to stay focused on work, on my daughter, and on my life has been clouded by my need to consume the ever-changing news coming out of Washington, to call my representatives, and to figure out where help is most needed. 
The Wade + Belle family is made up of women, immigrants, members of the LGBTQ community, single mothers, and people of color. It is incredibly important to me that each and every team member feels protected and knows that the Wade + Belle values ensure their safety in the workplace. But in the outside world? Well, that’s another story.
I believe we, the citizens of this country, will have to take a larger role in ensuring that the people and groups we are most passionate about are taken care of during this unsettled and tumultuous time. While there are many issues that need our attention right now, the defunding of Planned Parenthood and the threat to so many of losing their health care resonates with us deeply. 

This is not 50% of profits, this is 50% of all sales. If you are purchasing a $20 pair of tights, $10 of that will be going to Planned Parenthood. Between our mailing list and social channels, there are 50,000 of us. If each person purchases one pair of tights, Wade + Belle will make a $500,000 donation. Yes, big ambition, but that has never stopped us before. 
Our company mission is to make it easier to be a woman, by making our basic clothing more comfortable. We want you to focus on your goals, your dreams, your family, your career… not your waistline. The influence we have, as women, to effect change is powerful. It is time to stand up for what we believe in. 
Stay loud. Stay active. Stay passionate. 



It starts here.  It starts now.


Shop for Planned Parenthood
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Back To School Sale

We are excited to announce our annual Back To School Sale!  From September 1st - September 5th simply enter code "LaborDay16" to take advantage of our buy one, get one free offer.  If you've been wondering why Not Too Tights have a reputation for being the most comfortable tights with the most comfortable waistband, now you can test it out for yourself.  We'd love to hear your thoughts.  Happy shopping!  Shop Now >> 

Back to School sale for the most comfortable tights!

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The Best Way to Wash your Tights

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Ugly Holiday Sweaters

'Tis the seasons for holiday gatherings, tree trimming parties, and general festivities -- that means, lots of food, lots of booze and the need for lots of fun and fabulous outfits.  While you can always play it safe with a little black dress, we tend to favor the slightly ironic, majorly tacky, ultimate crowd-pleasing ugly holiday sweater.  No matter your mood, there will be a horrific sweater to match your mood....
If a fur collar is calling your name....
If you're looking for something a bit more 3-D....
If it's a bit warm outside and you want a lighter-weight vest...
Now don't think that just because you are sporting an ugly sweater, you can't be super-cute!  If you pair the sweater with mom-jeans and running sneakers, you get something that looks like this....
But take the same cheese-ball sweater, add a leather mini, some Wade & Belle polka-dot tights, and a pair of killer heels and all of the sudden you are the talk of the party....
The moral of the story?  Be festive, be chic, be you!
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"Everything But the Dress" giveaway

As we coast into mid-November, the holidays are about 5 minutes away from taking over our entire lives.  The plane tickets, train rides, hostess gifts, secret Santa gifts, family grab bags, and stocking stuffers are about to reign chaos of our usual shopping schedule.  But before it becomes about everyone else, we have one last shopping spree that is all about YOU.  

We teamed up with some of our favorite brands to offer an "Everything But the Dress" giveaway!  What does this mean? You put on the dress and we'll provide the rest!  We partnered up with some of our favorite brands to put together this care package for one lucky winner.



We've long pined away over Dagne Dover's killer tote.  The women at Dagne Dover have a very simply philosophy of "You are what you carry"  -- meaning that if you lug around one of those Mary Poppins' bags with everything but the kitchen sink jammed in there, how can you be expected to stay organized and calm?  Their bags are practically designed and beautifully rendered.  I mean, just look at this image -- they know what they are doing!



We also are including a $100 gift card from ThirdLove -- our favorite place to buy lingerie.  The team behind ThirdLove understands what we want -- cute, comfortable, a little sexy and affordable.  The T-shirt bra is our current practical obsession and the Lace Balconet is our current not-as-practical obsession

                               lace balconet    t-shirt bra  

And finally, we're excited to introduce you to Scratch Nails.  I don't know about you, but we never have the patience to sit through the final 20 minute drying necessary to walk away with flawless nails.  That hatred is what got us started investigating nail wraps, but it was the bad-assery of Scratch Nails that got us hooked.  We love new beauty products and we love supporting new artists and we love having killer nails.


Scratch nails


And of course, no fall/ winter outfit is complete without a sliming, fashion-forward pair of tights.  Whether you go with classic black tights, trendy diamonds tights or retro polka-dots tights, the tights will add another dimension to your outfit. 

black tights


And the best part?  All of these companies were founded by female entrepreneurs!  Before you start buying presents for everyone else, take a minute to put yourself first.  ENTER HERE >>



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