Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's not religious so it includes everyone, and growing up Jewish with mostly Christian friends, it's the one holiday that made me feel like I was invited to the party. As a teenager, aside from Thanksgiving, holidays meant two things to me: either everyone got to go out because we didn't have school the next day but I had to do holiday things with my family, or everyone I knew was doing holiday things with their families and I was bored. Thanksgiving on the other hand, was mine and my friends alike. Plus, everyone appreciates a bit of giving thanks and taking time to look at all of the good instead of the daily grind trying to get more and better.
Or so I thought it was the one inclusive holiday until I married a Brit a couple of months ago! It's shocking really, I married someone with whom I have NOT ONE holiday in common. He's Anglican, so he celebrates the usual holidays, Christmas, Easter, etc. I expected that. I didn't expect, however, to not even have Thanksgiving. AND to add insult to injury, this year we have not just Thanksgiving and Chanukkah, but Thanksgivakah (when Thanksgiving and Chanukkah overlap) and he can't even relate to half of it! He's just wondering when his Christmas tree will arrive. Oh, and did I mention I live in Hong Kong? Land of all British holidays, Chinese holidays, Christian holidays and at least acknowledges all Commonwealth country holidays (who even heard of Canada Day or Australia Day??) and we don't even get so much as a firecracker on the 4th of July. I'm Jewish, married to a Brit and living in Hong Kong. I'm basically in a holiday-I-celebrate desert! AND on the only Thanksgivakah (when Thanksgiving and Chanukkah overlap) that I will probably experience in my life. But I digress..
Thanksgiving remains the best holiday, and I like seeing everyone take time to be grateful. Oh, and if you do eat too much this Thanksgiving (is that really even a question?), Not Too Tights will be your BFF. Not only are they more comfortable and eliminate that annoying little roll on a daily basis, but they come extra in handy when you eat a bit too much turkey and that roll doesn't feel as little as it usually does. Plus they don't dig, so you won't have that even more uncomfortable indentation from your tights when you take them off after Thanksgiving dinner. Two things to remember, take time to be grateful and and be comfortable with Not Too Tights.